  • 期刊


Exploring Employee's Knowledge Sharing: From the Perspective of Chinese Context


知識分享是知識創新與管理的關鍵成功因素之一,文化則是影響知識分享的因素之一。依許多學者觀點歸納,華人文化之主要特色是重視關係、維護面子、強調權威、及集體主義。關係(guanxi)意含社會網絡或人際連結之重要性,可定義為雙向的、時常互動之情感束縛,以及高度親密、長期情感附著與重複之資源交換。維護面子意含不做損人尊嚴之事,權威意指道德或法律之控制力。在集體主義文化中,人們行事多從符合所屬團體利益之方向思考。上述華人文化特性會「為何」及「如何」影響員工知識分享,乃成為頗具價值之研究議題。 回顧知識分享之相關文獻,大多是探討知識分享之組織架構與機制,針對文化對知識分享之影響則較少探討。本研究經文獻探討,迄未發現關於「華人文化對知識分享之影響」的研究,本研究試圖填補上述研究缺口,並冀望能拓展知識管理理論之應用層面,乃從華人文化觀點探討員工知識分享,並提出數個相關研究命題與實務意涵。


知識分享 華人文化


It is believable that sharing of the knowledge is one of the important factors to reach the goal of knowledge innovation and successful management, and culture is increasingly recognized as a major factor to affecting knowledge sharing. From the literature review, we find that the study about knowledge sharing influenced from Chinese culture has not been explored. Therefore, to bridge the above gaps and to extend the application facets of knowledge management theory, we aim to explore employee's knowledge sharing from the perspective of Chinese context. After reviewing relevant literature, we find that four salient characteristics in Chinese culture may influence the employee's knowledge sharing. These characteristics are: guanxi (關係), authority, collectivism, and face saving. Guanxi indicates the importance of social networks or interpersonal connection. Authority refers to the power to control the law or the morality has. And in the collectivism context, benefits of the whole group are usually taken into consideration in decision-making. As for saving face, it indicates that people will avoid destroying others' self-esteem. This study utilizes the Chinese cultural characteristics which influence the motivation and strategies central to employee's knowledge sharing. According to our exploration, this study develops some propositions and relevant implications about management.


Knowledge sharing Chinese context


