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The Application of Petrographic Analysis to Archaeological Research: Examples from the Artifacts and Sherds of Chiu Hsiang Lan Site, Taitung, Taiwan


岩象分析方法(petrographic analysis)自1970年代開始便廣泛地應用於沉積物來源地分析,本研究利用此發展成熟的技術,以偏光顯微鏡針對舊香蘭遺址出土之9件砂岩質石器進行礦物及岩屑組成分析,了解遺址出土的砂岩質石器的可能原料來源地,也採集遺址鄰近區域出露的富岡砂岩、恆春半島的樂水層、里龍山層、石門層砂岩樣本加以分析比對。舊香蘭遺址同時也出土大量帶有豐富紋飾的所謂「龜山式陶片」,這類陶片僅在恆春的龜山遺址、花蓮的花岡山遺址以及臺東的三和、初鹿、山棕寮、大鳥萬、下多良等遺址零星出現,為了解舊香蘭與恆春及花蓮地區的「龜山式陶片」的關聯性,本研究同時分析了10件帶有複雜印紋的陶片與前人研究成果加以比較,嘗試重建過去舊香蘭人對自然資源的運用及陶器的交換關係。

Parallel abstracts

Petrographic analysis has been broadly applied to the studies on sandstone compositions and its source area. In this paper, we try to use the well developed analytical techniques to reveal the provenance of sandstone artifacts and the ”Kueishan style” pottery from Chiu Hsian Lan site, which were carried out during the rescued archaeological excavations in 2005 and 2007. In order to discriminate from the provenance of sandstone artifacts, sixteen sandstone samples have also been collected for petrographic analysis from the Loshui Formation, Shihmen Formation and Lilungshan Formation in Henchung Peninsula and Fukang Sandstone in the Coastal Range. According to the Q-Lv-Lm plot, the provenance of Chiu Hsian Lan sandstone artifacts is inferred to be Shihmen or Lilungshan Formation because of the compositions of slate and argillite lithic fragments in sandstones. And to unravel the relationship between variant sites of so called ”Kueishan style” potteries which were sparsely discovered in Kueishan site in Henchun, Huakangshan site in Hualein, and Shanhe, Chulu, Shanchunliao, Taniauwan, Hsiatolian and Chiu Hsian Lan sites in Taitung, ten decorative sherds from Chiu-Hsian-Lan site are also analysed in this study. Combining with the petrographic analyses and radiocarbon data, it is seemed that the Chiu Hsian Lan site is the birthplace of ”Kueishan style” potteries.

Cited by

王冠文、李坤修、陳光祖、飯塚義之、Caroline Jackson(2018)。由舊香蘭遺址玻璃質遺留的原料及工藝談玻璃珠的交換考古人類學刊(89),57-91。https://doi.org/10.6152/jaa.201812_(89).0002
