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A Study of Traveling Motivations and the Satisfaction of the Bada Forest Paradise Tourists


本研究目的旨在探討屏東縣八大精靈樂園遊客旅遊動機與滿意度之現況、不同背景變項在旅遊動機與滿意度之差異情形,分析旅遊動機與滿意度的相關情形。採問卷調查法以「屏東縣八大精靈樂園遊客旅遊動機量表與滿意度量表」為研究工具,針對屏東縣八大精靈樂園遊客進行抽樣。共發出問卷數450份,回收問卷數436份,有效問卷數418份,有效回收率95.87%。問卷資料以SPSS For Windows 12.0版,以描述統計、單因子多變量變異數分析及薛費爾事後比較進行分析,結論顯示:旅遊動機以為了運動健身、為了放慢生活步調及為了增進生活的趣味等三項的認同度最高;旅遊動機層面認同度依次為戶外休憩、學習求知、放鬆身心、情感互動,八大精靈樂園遊客整體旅遊動機層面認同度達中上。旅遊滿意度以園區遮蔭情形、森林浴步道及遠離吵雜、享受寧靜等三項的認同度最高;旅遊滿意度層面認同度依次為園區體驗、服務設施、身心調劑、遊憩活動,八大精靈樂園遊客整體旅遊滿意度層面認同度達中上。不同性別、年齡、職業、教育程度與個人平均月收入在旅遊動機達顯著差異,不同年齡、婚姻狀況、職業、個人平均月收入與居住地點在旅遊滿意度達顯著差異,八大精靈樂園遊客旅遊動機與旅遊滿意度有顯著相關。


遊客 旅遊動機 旅遊滿意度


The purpose of this study was to explore the current situation of the traveling motivations and the satisfaction for the tourists to the Bada Forest Paradise in Pingtung County. This study also inquired into the effect of different personal background variables on tourists' traveling motivations and the satisfaction respectively. The questionnaire was designed to collect the data from the tourists at the Bada Forest Paradise. By means of random sampling, a total of 450 questionnaires were distributed, 436 copies were returned and 418 copies were valid, resulting in the valid return rate was 95.87%. The collected data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, one-way MANOVA and post-hoc analysis of Scheffe's method by SPSS for Windows 12.0. The findings indicated as follows: In terms of traveling motivations, exercising, slowing down the life step, improving the life interest reached the highest level of recognition. Meanwhile, the tourists approved the traveling motivations of outdoor recreation, and then knowledge renewal, relaxation and emotion interaction. Besides, the tourists' attitudes toward traveling motivations were moderate positive. In terms of traveling satisfaction, rest area of shade, forest trail, being away from noise, enjoying silence reached the highest level of recognition. Meanwhile, the tourists approved the experience of paradise, service devices and recreation activities. Besides, the tourists' attitudes toward traveling satisfaction were moderate positive. Significant differences in traveling motivations were found based on background variables such as gender, age, occupation, education level and individual average monthly income of the tourists. Significant differences in traveling satisfaction were found based on background variables such as age, marital status, occupation, individual average monthly income and location. And there was a relevant correlation between traveling motivations and traveling satisfaction.


Tourist traveling motivation satisfaction
