  • 期刊


Study on Correlation of Experiential Marketing and Service Quality of Stadium




This study aimed to discuss the correlation of experiential marketing and service quality of stadiums of private colleges in Changhua, Yunlin and Chiayi. It adopted statistic approaches such as confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), parameter estimation of models, hypothesis testing, goodness of fit test of the entire model and so on to comprehend related causes and effects and the goodness of fit model among actual information of the study. Stratified sampling was conducted for the research, and 400 questionnaires were distributed. Among the questionnaires, 348 of them were considered valid after the elimination of 52 invalid questionnaires. The valid response rate of the survey was 87.00%. The study results indicated that users' feelings toward experiential marketing would influence the related cognitive development of service quality. Moreover, it could be clearly discovered from the actual information of observation that independent variable had direct effect upon dependent variable in the study model. The study results also supported the hypothesis of the study which demonstrated the two were correlated. The latent variable of experiential marketing responded to administrative levels such as space design, service function and word-of-mouth recommendation as well. This study proposes concrete suggestions to government, schools of all levels and dealers on the basis of the results of the research.


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