  • 期刊


The Relationships of Self-Rated Health, Motivation of leisure Time Exercises, Exercise Benefit and Well-Being of Elderly People in Taiwan


目的:運動是促進身心健康,預防疾病的一種直接又有效的方式。中老年族群也是屬於比較能夠彈性運用時間,參與運動的一個族群。近年來,社會形成一股運動的風氣,也帶起一些人於閒暇時參與運動;然而,沒有規律運動的族群仍不在少數。因此,本研究的目的在探討不同運動習慣中老年人在休閒運動參與動機之差異,同時也探討其主觀健康、參與動機、參與效益與幸福感之相關性,並將所得結果做為相關政策機關及單位推廣並鼓勵中老年族群參與休閒運動之參考。方法:本研究依據相關文獻,建立結構式問卷,以問卷調查法進行資料之蒐集,並以便利抽樣法於台灣北中南地區之老人活動中心選定55歲以上之中老年族群,進行意見調查。所蒐集之資料包含背景資料、主觀健康、休閒運動參與動機、參與效益以及幸福感等等。所蒐集之資料經整理及確認信效度後,並以敘述性統計、差異性分析以及偏最小平方法進行分析,以呈現其現況、差異及相關因子之間路徑相關性。結果:本研究之結果如下:1.中老年族群較常做的休閒運動以有氧運動為主,且運動強度屬於中低強度;2.有運動習慣者其在主觀健康、休閒運動參與動機、參與效益及幸福感等知覺上均高於無運動習慣者;3. 75歲以上族群之休閒運動參與動機低於75歲以下族群。4.主觀健康、休閒運動參與動機及參與效益可預測幸福感,其預測力接近中度預測力(R^2 = 0.38)。結論與建議:本研究之相關結論建議如下:1.宜推廣中老年人從事簡易操又有安全性之肌耐力運動;2.宜推廣並加強無運動習慣者之休閒運動參與動機,並建議適合其運動的項目,同時也可藉由里長及里民間的相互鼓舞,提升中高齡族群之運動參與度;3.休閒運動參與動機及參與效益可以預測幸福感,因此可藉由加強並推動中老年族群在平時依其體力狀況,建議其合適之運動處方(包含頻率、強度、運動時間及運動型式種類等),記錄其運動日誌,養成規律運動之習慣,並增進其幸福感。


Purpose: Exercises can contribute to mental and physical health. Comparing to young and adults, elderly people's time schedule is more flexible and can participate in all kinds of physical activities or exercises. In recently years, more and more people like to engage in exercise activities which also motivate many to participate in exercises. On the other side, there are still many who do not participate in exercises on a regular basis. Therefore, this study would like to find out the differences of exercise participation motivation and related factors especially among elderly people and find the relationships of self-rated health (SRH), motivation of leisure time exercises (MO), exercise benefit (BE) and well-being (WB) among them. The results can provide for the governmental agencies as references to promote exercise participations to elderly people. Methods: The study established a structured- questionnaires related to self-rated health (SRH), Leisure-time exercise participation motivation (LM), exercise benefit (BE) and well-being (WB) of elderly people and distribute to related personals of age above 55 years old with consent. A total of 450 valid surveys were collected. The reliability and validity of data were tested and confirmed and then analyzed using descriptive analyses, t-test, ANOVA and partial least square structural equation modelling.Results: The results showed the following: 1. The most popular exercises of the subjects were grouped as aerobic exercises and the levels of exercise intensity were among low to middle intensity; 2. The perceptions of SRH, LM, BE and WB of the inactive exercise group were lower than the active exercise group; 3. People above 75 years old had lower MO than under; 4. SRH, LM and BE predicted WB with explanatory power of 0.38. Summary and suggestions: The suggestions were made from results as the following: 1. Weight training should be promoted to elderly people and muscle training illustrating figures and films should be made which should contained items which can be easily performed at home with safety and introduce to elderly people; 2. Since the health status of the inactive people were lower comparing to the same age, the government should promote and encourage these people to engage in physical activities and suggest appropriate exercise types for them. In addition, the village chief should encourage and recruit elderly people in the community to do exercise together. 3. Since the LM, BE predicted WB, suggestions are made to encourage the elderly people to engage in exercise according to their physical fitness level and suggest appropriate exercise prescriptions (frequency, intensity, type and time) and make exercise diary to promote their health and well-being.


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