

經皮冠狀動脈介入性血管整形術(PCI)中,刀片汽球導管(Cutting Balloon)是一種獨特的設計。刀片汽球導管的優勢是藉由附著在汽球導管上縱向刀片設計,能夠減少血管的張力及血管的損傷可避免對於無法控制的破壞力量造成動脈粥狀硬化斑塊破裂引起的血管剝離及狹窄。微小刀片的設計可以在擴張的過程當中傳送可控制的張力,順其刀片所切裂縫有順序性擴張,可以避免因不可控制的機械性破壞。刀片汽球導管以較低的汽球擴張壓力(inflation pressure 4-8 atmospheres)達到治療的目的,且對於標的血管施以較低的擴張壓力,因而可降低血管內膜過度增殖的反應及血管支架內再度狹窄的機會。


A cutting balloon is an unique angioplasty device invented by Barath et al used in percutaneous coronary interventions. The advantage of the cutting balloon is its ability to reduce vessel stretch and vessel injury by scoring the vessel longitudinally rather than causing an uncontrolled disruption of the atherosclerotic plaque. Cutting balloon has a special balloon tip with small blades, that are activated when the balloon is inflated. The atherotomes deliver a controlled fault line during dilatation to ensure that the crack propagation ensues in an orderly fashion for stenosis lesion The cutting balloon also dilates the target vessel with less force (4-8 atmospheres) to decrease the risk of a neoproliferative response and in-stent restenosis. These studies were followed by randomized studies that also showed a clinical benefit associated with the use of a cutting balloon.
