  • 期刊


The Study of Planning Optimization for Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy of Prostate Cancer


依據行政院衛生署統計,台灣地區之男性因癌症死亡的原因,攝護腺癌已由民國八十六年的第九位升爲民國九十六年的第七位,有逐年提升之趨勢。本研究爲針對施予放射治療之攝護腺癌患者,探討強度調控放射治療(Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy, IMRT)之治療計劃演算技術。收集放射腫瘤科之攝護腺癌患者資料,分別以強度調控演算法(Intensity Modulation, IM)與直接機械參數最適化演算法(Direct Machine Parameter Optimization, DMPO)做治療計劃的推算。依演算時間、使用照野數、使用MU值、總合的目標值(Composite Objective Value, COV)及順型指數(Conformity index, CI)五種數據來評估其演算結果之優缺點;並且將直接機械參數最適化演算法中三種設定參數加以調整,來觀察並評估最佳調整之設定值。研究顯示此兩種演算法中,直接機械參數最適化演算法的演算結果將會優於強度調控演算法;而調整直接機械參數最適化演算法之設定,最大分段數、最小分段面積及最小MU值,將會使治療計劃更加理想。


The study direct at the prostate cancer patient who be cured by Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) technique, and evaluate the efficiency of optimization for IMRT technique. Collecting the prostate cancer patients' data to calculate the IMRT plan that used Intensity Modulation (TM) optimization and Direct Machine Parameter Optimization (DMPO). To estimate the efficiency of optimization is basis on calculation time, number of segments, number of MUs, Composite Objective Value (COV), Conformity index (CI). And further, adjusting the parameters of DMPO to evaluate and modify to the settings better. This study shows the efficiency of DMPO is better than IM optimization. And adjust the settings of DMPO, maximum number of segments, minimum segment area and minimum MUs will let the treatment plan more approaching to ideal plan, it will easier to set the parameters in clinical.
