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The Effects of Science and Technology Worksite Exercise Promotion Program for Health


本研究旨在探討運動健康促進計畫的介入,對於健康體能認知、健康體能及健康危險因子的影響。以新竹科學園區98 名園區居民做為受試對象,平均年齡33.056.55歲,身高164.208.45公分,體重60.9110.33公斤;並將受試者隨機分派至實驗組48名與控制組50名。實驗前各組分別進行健康體能認知與健康危險因子問卷調查、健康體能測驗及健康危險因子評估;經六個月運動健康促進計畫的介入後,再實施實驗後的健康評估。資料經統計分析後發現健康體能中的關節柔軟度與健康危險因子中的心血管疾病危險因素,有顯著改善的效果。顯見職場的規律運動健康促進計畫,對健康體能的提升與降低健康危險因子的效果方深具意義。惟計畫中的「運動介入」模式,未能在肌力/肌耐力、身體組成與心肺功能效果上獲致應有的發展,應屬執行活動處方設計的問題,同時也提供未來在運動健康促進計畫的規劃上,必須強調職場型態的特性、工作部門及職工的涉入程度,始能將運動健康促進計畫有效融入生活之中,而另一個必需考量的因素則是需要較長時間的持續活動,才能在健康體能與健康促進上得到廣泛效果的改善。


The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the effects of community exercise promotion program for health on health-related fitness, fitness cognition, and health risk factors. Subjects of this study were 98 residents (33.05±6.55 yr., 164±8.45 cm, 60.91±10.33 Kg) from Hsin-chu Scientific Park, who were assigned randomly to experimental group (n=48) and control group (n=50). The health-related fitness cognition questionnaire, health-related fitness field test, and blood for biochemical analysis of health risk factors were performed before and after community exercise promotion program for six months in both experimental and control groups. Data in this study was calculated and found that flexibility and coronary heart disease of health risk factors were improved significantly. It indicated that community exercise promotion program could be benefit for health-related fitness and decrease of health risk factors. However, muscular strength, muscular endurance, cardiorespiratory endurance, and body composition in this study intervened by exercise promotion program were not improved significantly. It seems reasonable to interpret these findings as an indication that community exercise promotion program was not executed thoroughly. Meanwhile, it suggested that further research in exercise promotion program for health have to emphasize on characteristic of community style, job organization, and intervention of residents in order to integrate exercise promotion program for health into life. Besides, another consideration would be the prolongation of exercise promotion program period for improvement of health and health-related fitness.


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