  • 期刊


The Ergogenic Effects of Ergothioneine Against Oxidative Stress and Muscular Damage Induced by Acute Exercise in Aging Rats


緒論:中老年人從事激烈運動與年輕人相較,將誘發更大量的活性氧自由基以及更嚴重的骨骼肌損傷。因此,本研究進行動物實驗,以高齡大鼠增補由菇類中所萃取之天然氨基酸-麥角硫因 (ergothioneine, EGT) ,來觀察EGT 對劇烈運動引起之氧化壓力及骨骼肌損傷的影響。方法:將24 隻SD 大鼠(18 月齡)隨機分為控制組(C)、運動組(E)及EGT 運動組(EGT+E)。依2mg / kg BW / d 之劑量,給予EGT+E組連續30 天的餵食;接著二組運動大鼠進行單次負重 (大約5%體重) 強迫游泳至衰竭。最後犠牲所有大鼠,取出肝臟及採集血液,檢測各項生化參數。結果: (1)氧化傷害:E 組肝臟組織之丙二醛 (malondialdehyde, MDA) 濃度明顯上升;麩胱甘肽 (glutathione, GSH) 濃度則明顯下降,並達顯著性差異 (P<.05) ;EGT+E 組與C 組相較,則二項指標均無顯著差異(p >.05) 。EGT 可減少因劇烈運動在肝臟組織中MDA 的生成及維持GSH 的穏定,以降低氧化性傷害。(2) 抗氧化能力:E 組肝臟組織之超氧化物歧化酶 (superoxide dismutase, SOD) 及麩胱甘肽過氧化酶 (glutathione peroxidase, GPx) 酵素活性均顯著高於另二組 (p<.05);EGT+E 組與C 組比較SOD、過氧化氫酶 (catalase, CAT) 及GPX 三項指標則均無顯著差異(p>.05)。EGT 具有良好的抗氧化功能,使肝臟組織中之SOD 及GPX 等抗氧化酵素在劇烈運動後維持穏定狀態。(3) 骨骼肌損傷:E 組血液樣本之肌酸激酶(creatine, CK) 及乳酸脫氫酶 (lactate dehydrogenase, LDH) 的活性均顯著高於另二組(p<.05) ;EGT+E 組與C 組相較則無顯著差異(p >.05) 。EGT 可以降低劇烈運動後骨骼肌損傷程度,而推測可能與EGT 降低氧化壓力有關。結論:EGT 在本研究高齡大鼠的氧化壓力、骨骼肌損傷之潛在機能影響得到良好的效果。至於是否能應用於人體及日後商品之開發,則需要更多的研究加以證實。


老化 抗氧化 氨基酸


Introduction: The intensive exercises for elder people, which induce great amount of reactive oxygen free radical; in addition, the level of injured skeletal muscle is greater comparing with young people. The main goal of this study was to analyze the effects of EGT (ergothioneine), the natural amino acid extracted from mushroom, against oxidative stress and muscular damage induced by acute exercise in aging rats. Method: In the experiment, 24 rats were randomly divided into 3 groups including the control group (C), exercise group (E) and EGT exercise group (EGT+E). The two exercise groups conducted 30 days of EGT feeding and were loaded with weight (5% of body weight) for exhaustive swimming exercise. After the experiment, all rats were terminated and their liver and blood were examined to obtain the biochemical references. Result: (1) Oxidation injury: In group E, the MDA (malondialdehyde) and GSH (glutathione) in liver reached statistical significance (P<.05). On the other hand, there was not any statistical significance between EGT+E and C groups. The EGT reduced the generation of MDA in liver, stabilized GSH and avoided oxidation damage in liver tissues. (2) Anti-oxidation: The SOD (superoxide dismutase) and GPx (glutathione peroxidase) in E group's liver tissue was higher than other 2 groups (P<.05). When compared C with EGT+E groups, the activity of SOD, CAT (catalase) and GPx in liver were not reaching statistical significance (p>.05). (3) Skeletal muscle injury: The activity of CK (creatine) and LDH (lactate dehydrogenase) in E group's blood sample was significantly higher than other 2 groups (P<.05), there was not reaching statistical significance between EGT+E and C group. The EGT reduces the skeletal injury level after exhaustive exercises, which also minimizes the first stage inflammatory reaction after exhaustive exercises. Conclusion: The study proved that the application of EGT on experimental rats showed great results for anti-oxidization and inflammatory reactions. Whether the results would be identical or not when applied on human body will be left to the further researches in the future


aging anti-oxidation amino acid


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