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The Effects of Exercise Interventions on Children and Adolescents With ADHD


ADHD 是好發於孩童及青少年的疾病之一,且在孩童和青少年的心理、行為、身體和社會健康等等層面都可能產生問題,近年來已經成為大眾媒體及國內相關領域工作者非常重視的研究議題之一。本文針對以ADHD 孩童或青少年為對象之運動介入研究進行回顧整理,並特別聚焦於運動介入處方之描述。整體而言,實證研究證實運動對於ADHD 孩童和青少年具有正面的立即效益,此外,複合式運動計畫則是具有良好的長期改善成效,包括各種跑步、有氧及體適能的長期訓練計劃和處方,且近年來國內以不同運動項目進行介入課程設計,例如游泳、桌球、直排輪等等運動課程,能提供相關領域研究者和實務工作者非常豐富的參考資料。


Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common disorder in children and adolescents. Given that the symptoms influence children's mental, behavioral, physical, and social health, it became an important topic in recent year for public media and the practitioners in related fields. The present study reviewed literature examining the effects of exercise interventions in children and adolescents with ADHD in resect years, and focused on the intervention prescription in details. Generally, published studies indicated the positive acute effects on children and adolescents with ADHD. Chronic effects were also reported for mixed exercise programs including long-term running, aerobic training, and physical fitness training programs. Furthermore, researcher using different types of sports as intervention, such as aquatic exercise, table tennis, in-line skates and so on, provided fruitful reference.


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