  • 期刊


The study of exercise behaviors on lower extremity functional ability of the elderly subjects


高齡者常伴隨有慢性疾病、身體衰弱、日常生活活動能力需他人協助之潛在問題。運動已經被證實可以降低死亡率與罹病率,及能減少或延緩失能現象。適當及規律的身體活動量可降低心血管疾病、跌倒等風險,改善心情和生活品質。且運動訓練可維持健康,並強化肌肉、骨骼、關節功能及增加平衡能力。於此,近年來國家為了國人的健康,經常舉辦運動相關的活動及 設立公眾運動場所設施,但經調查發現,70歲以上民眾運動到會流汗會喘的程度仍偏低。積極運動是提升或延緩高齡者下肢功能性能力最經濟效益的行為模式。本文希望藉由文獻探討的方式,以運動主題來彙整運動行為改變對高齡者下肢功能性能力之重要性、並給予無規律運動或無有效身體活動高齡者建議參考。


The potential problems with which the aged are often faced include chronic diseases, weakening in their physical strength and necessary assistance in their daily activities. It has been proved that exercise can decrease the rate of death and disease suffering and reduce or postpone the happening of disability. Not only can proper and regular physical exercise lessen the risk of coming down with cardiovascular diseases and tumbling, but it can improve our mood and quality of life as well. In addition, exercise can help to maintain our health, strengthen the functions of our muscles and bones, and elevate our ability of balancing. In light of this, our government often hold exercise-related events and set up exercise facilities. However, a research indicates that more people over seventy years old need to exercise to the extent of sweating and panting. Active exercise is the most economical behavior pattern to elevate the functions of the lower limbs of the aged people or to postpone the happening of de-functioning. Through literature review, this study hopes to find out the importance of the changes of the exercise patterns on the aged people’s lower limbs, which will be for references of the aged people without regular exercise or effective physical exercise.


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