  • 期刊


Effects of Peer-tutoring Cooperative Learning during Creative Dancing Program on Achievement and Interpersonal Communication


目的:探討同儕合作學習策略對不同能力學生在創造性舞蹈學習成效及人際溝通之影響。本研究採立意取樣以國中創造性舞蹈學習學生60 名為研究對象。方法:為實驗研究法,以二因子變異數分析並以同質性考驗兩組教學在創造性舞蹈學習技能學習成效之統計資料。以隨機分派方式,將受試者分別接受小組學習及同儕合作學習二種不同教學法。課程十週結束後再檢測技能及人際溝通之學習成效。結果:發現學生在同儕合作學習組後測成績在學習結果更加進步。同儕合作學習組,高能力學生雖然皆比低能力的學生優越。然而,以後測成績比較,低能力的學生卻顯著的比高能力學生更加進步。學生透過同儕合作學習的情境下,低能力的學生在學習成效皆明顯的提升。另外,在人際溝通方面,同儕合作學習組在「自我表露 self-expression」、「人際知覺Awareness of Interpersonal relationship」、「自我肯定Self-affirmation」、「Reasoning reaction 同理反應」、「Total score 全量表」有立即提升的效果。結論:在同儕合作學習情境下,提升學生學習成效及人際溝通方面的效果。低能力的學生後測成績顯著的更加進步。同儕合作學習情境下,對於創造性舞蹈學習及人際溝通成效值得未來創造性舞蹈學習之參考。


Purpose: To investigate the effects of peer-tutoring cooperative learning for different ability student during a creative dancing program on achievement and interpersonal communication.. Methods: A 2x2 factorial design study. Total 60 junior high school students from a purposive sampling, classified as high and low ability, were randomly assigned to two treatments. After students completed 10 weeks creating dance program, a dance skill performance and interpersonal communication posttest was delivered. Results: Students working peer-tutoring cooperative learning treatment significantly outscored those grouping learning. On interaction factor, students working peer-tutoring cooperative learning treatment, low ability students were significantly outscored than those grouping student condition. In addition, the results revealed that students in peer-tutoring cooperative learning conditions with self-expression, awareness of interpersonal relationship, self-affirmation, reasoning reaction, and total score were promotion on interpersonal communication. Conclusions:.Students working peer-tutoring cooperative learning treatment significantly outscored those no cooperative learning on achievement and interpersonal communication. Low-ability students working peer-tutoring cooperative learning treatment were significantly outscored than those grouping student condition. The implications for peer-tutoring cooperative learning use of motivation strategies for creative dancing and future research were discussed.


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