  • 期刊


An Empirical Study of the Functional Fitness and Exercise Habit of the Elderly-A Case Study of the Qishan District and Meinong District in Kaohsiung City




老人 體適能 規律運動


This research aims to analyze the profiles of functional fitness and exercise habit of the elderly through actual test and questionnaire, with further exploration of the difference of the elderly with different background in functional fitness and exercise habit. Research objects are 300 old people from Qishan District and Meinong District, with their ages being over 65 year old. After all the obtained data are processed through statistical methods such as frequency distribution, average number, crosstabs and multiple responses, it can be concluded that: (1) Over half of the elderly's body mass index and waist to hip ratio (WHR) is not ideal, while the ideal ratio of other fitness test items is higher than the non-ideal ratio. (2) Over 70 percent of the elderly has exercise habit. The ratio of 1 to 2 times of exercise per week is the highest on average; the average exercise time which is within 20 minutes and 21 to 40 minutes has a much higher proportion; in terms of the sports type, fitness walking has the highest proportion and the free-standing exercises ranks the second. (3) Females have a better performance than the males in body mass index, WHR and flexibility, while the male have better muscle strength and cardiorespiratory endurance; the ideal ratio of partial fitness items decreases with the increase of the age and the decrease of the education level. (4) The proportion of those over-86-year-old male with the education background of junior high school is high in terms of no exercise habit and those have exercise habit take exercise on average 1 to 2 times every week; elderly of different genders and ages do not have significant difference in average exercise time each time. The higher the education level is, the longer the exercise time. The comprehensive research found that the physical fitness of the elderly is generally up to the ideal level and most of them have exercise habits, and there are significant differences in physical fitness and exercise habits among different background elderly.


Older Adults Fitness Regular Exercise


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