  • 期刊


The Discussion on The Effect of Vibration Training on Lower Limb Muscle on Older Adult


與日俱增的高齡人口顯示出台灣近年來醫藥的進步、環境衛生改善及社會福祉與健康高度的發展,同時也需要面臨高齡化所衍生的相關生心理健康問題,如何讓高齡者擁有健康的身體並邁向健康老化的生活成為現今重要議題。過去研究指出透過震動式訓練可提高肌肉力量、心肺功能及增加下肢肌力已達到穩定身體平衡進而增加生活品質,因此本文將蒐集2010-2020年間有關震動式訓練、下肢肌力對高齡者重要性之文獻,加以彙整討論後以文獻回顧方式進行分析,做回顧探討。結果發現:下肢肌力的好壞對於高齡者是重要的關鍵,然而藉由運動訓練的介入,可以有效提升高齡者的下肢肌力表現,而震動訓練頻率設定在20~40 Hz,振幅1.5~4 mm,對高齡者在下肢肌耐力較有顯著功效,建議未來做高齡者震動式訓練之研究者可以以此震動頻率、強度及研究對象之方向進行研究,期許本研究在後續對於這些研究議題的探究上能有所貢獻。


高齡化 運動訓練 健康老化


The increasing elderly population in Taiwan shows the progress of medicine, the improvement of environmental sanitation, the development of social welfare and health in recent years. At the same time, the elderly also need to face the mental health problems related to the aging. How to make the elderly have a healthy body and move towards a healthy aging life has become an important issue. Studies have pointed out that using vibration training can improve muscle power, cardiopulmonary function and increase muscle strength of the lower limbs to achieve the body balance. Therefore, we will collect the literature on vibration training and the importance of lower limb muscle strength for the elderly from 2010 to 2020, and then analyze it in the way of literature review. The result shows, the quality of lower limb muscle strength is an important key to the elderly. Senior citizen may improve the performance of their lower limb muscles more effectively by sports training. Moreover, it will achieve a maximum effect when the vibration training with 20-40 Hz frequency and 1.5-4 mm amplitude. The study findings may serve as a suggestion for further research on the frequency, intensity and the subjects of the vibration training on lower limb muscle strength of the aged. The author hopes the article could make a contribution to these issues.


aging exercise healthy ageing


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