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Exploring the Application of Photovoice Methodology: A Case Study of the Homeless Belonging Exhibition


本文首先從整理「影像發聲法」提出的理論脈絡和原型著手,該方法在1990年代由美國學者Caroline Wang和Mary Ann Burris正式提出,她們定義影像發聲法是一種以攝影作為媒介的參與式研究方法,該方法讓研究對象拿起相機有意識地拍攝自己的生活,進而在團體討論中透過照片呈現的視覺影像,來跟團體成員分享與討論他們如何感知自身在社區所面臨的問題,並從對話中發展出解決的方案,進一步促成改變的可能。透過此培力的過程,影像發聲將研究對象轉化成主動的參與者,而此方法過去十年間在國際間視覺社會學領域裡,也日益受到關注。在前述基礎上,筆者再以2015年與「當代漂泊協會」合作、策劃以遊民家當為主題的「棄物展」為分析個案,探討「影像發聲法」的在地應用與實踐經驗,並從中歸結出該方法的優點、侷限和面臨的挑戰。


影像發聲法 遊民 攝影 參與式研究 培力


In this article, the theoretical contexts and prototype of photovoice methodology would be summarized at first. As a qualitative method used for participatory research, photovoice was formally proposed by Caroline Wang and Mary Ann Burris in the 1990s. They defined photovoice as an empowering process that combines photography with grassroots social action. Participants are asked to express their points of view by photographing scenes that highlight research themes, and these photographs are collaboratively interpreted through group discussions and then narratives can be used to promote dialogue to mobilize and help change-makers. This method transforms the research object into the active participant, which has drawn more and more attention in the field of visual sociology during the past decade. Following the summary, this article takes "the Exhibition of Homeless People's Discarded Belongings "as the case study, which I curated and worked with Working Poor Unite (a NGO for the homeless people) in 2015, to elaborate and discuss how to apply photovoice in Taiwan's context. Based on this experience, the advantages, limitation and challenges of photovoice application would be analyzed and concluded in the end.


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