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The Circuitous Relationship: Shenzhou Poetry Society and the Home Soil Literary Debate in Taiwan




Malaysian Chinese students studied in Taiwan founded the "Shenzhou Poetry Society"on 1st January, 1976. The Shenzhou Poetry Society which has been regarded as a "myth" has a strong cultural awareness. It aimed to re-construct the "Cultural China" and reviving the "Chinese Culture". And thus they intended to build up a "classical China" in Taiwan. Unfortunately, some of the members of Shenzhou Poetry Society were expelled from Taiwan because of the political environment that was unkind to their vision and led to the imprisonment of several members. This is a crucial turning point for the poetry society, as it led to the end of its activities. Shenzhou Poetry Society had published many literary works in Taiwan. The members have established close relationship with Taiwan's literary society. Therefore, this paper attempts to sort out the reactions and responses of Shenzhou Poetry Society of the "Home Soil Literary Debate" in Taiwan. Although the society did not directly participate in the discussion, its relationship with the debate was rather circuitous. This circuitous relationship may shed light on the development of Malaysian Chinese literature.


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