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The Comparison of the Baltic States in the Post-Soviet on Democratic Consolidation



在1980年代末期、1990年代初期民主浪潮推動下,波海三國(愛沙尼亞、拉脫維亞與立陶宛)紛紛在1990年起宣布獨立,並以融入歐洲爲目標。波海三國同時在2004年3月加入北大西洋公約組織;同年5月加入歐洲聯盟,因蘇聯採取俄化政策將俄羅斯人移居至波海三國,又採行工業和經濟分工之故,在波海三國獨立後除族群問題、去俄化政策,與俄國在經濟、能源依附仍舊未解,尤其當俄羅斯藉能源出口使經濟與國力日漸強大,波海三國如何維持民主化,甚至民主鞏固、民主持續深化?成爲波海三國亟需合縱連橫的重要議題。 後共產主義的波海三國於民族認同上必須降低族群間爭議,促進境內俄羅斯人對所在國的認同。同時透過歐盟各項援助,使政治穩定發展、經濟成長開放,以獲取人民全力支持,並積極參與北約組織運作和合作,促使國土安全。在此三個變項穩定發展下,讓民主深化。


In the 1990s, the three Baltic states (Estonia, Latvia and established Latin from Lithuania) declared their independence, and aims to integrate into the Europe. In March 2004, the three Baltic states joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and in May2004 joined the European Union. Before the independence, the Soviet Union imposed the Russification policy in the three Baltic states, and lead to Russian migrations; the Soviet Union also separated industrial policy from that of economy. Thus, the three Baltic states have to deal with ethnic issues, de- Russification policy, independence on Russia in economy and energy. In particular, when Russia has become powerful through energy exports, the three Baltic states' democratic sustainability, consolidation, and deepening become an important issue for them, thinking of alliances. It is argued that the three post-communist Baltic states must reduce inter-ethnic disputes in ethnic identity, promote Russian's identity towards the host countries. In addition, through the European Union's assistance, the three Baltic states develop political stability, economic growth, to gain people's fully support. Moreover, the Baltic must actively participate in NATO to promote homeland security.


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