  • 期刊


Exploring the Rights of the Aboriginal Peoples of Canada: A Critical Review of Delgamuukw v. British Columbia


本文的主要目的在探究加拿大最高法院於1997年所形成的一個判例-Delgamuukw v. British Columbia。此案乃發生於加拿大西岸的不列顛哥倫比亞省,起源於1984年當地原住民族Gitxsan與Wet'suwet'en族人與該省省政府的土地權爭端。Gitxsan與Wet'suwet'en族人從口述歷史認定其在該省西北部擁有一塊約58,000平方公里的土地,但省府認為早在1871年該省成為加拿大一部份之前原住民的土地權早已喪失因而予以拒絕。此爭端由加拿大高等法院受理,費時十幾年終於在1997年宣判,認為需要進行另一次審判。雖然此判例並未解決爭端,但卻開啟了採認口述歷史的證據能力的先例。 加拿大原住民族以法律訴訟爭取權利的情形已行之有年,也出現了許多的判例。反觀國內,過去十幾年來,國內的原住民族運動往往是先以政治運動的形式出現,成功後才有法律制度的存在。不過,近來也出現平埔原住民運動者以法律訴訟的方式爭取權利的情形,例如2010年4月8日台南縣西拉雅平埔族向高等行政法院控告政府拒絕承認其原住民身份的官司,以及2010年5月25日台灣平埔權益促進會理事長潘紀揚向聯合國控告中華民國政府漠視平埔族權益的國際官司。本文也希望能以加拿大原住民的法律訴訟經驗,來提供國內原住民族(尤其是平埔族)爭取己身權利的一個借鏡。


The purpose of this article is to explore the aboriginal rights of Canada by reviewing the Supreme Court's 1997 Delgamuukw decision. The origin of the case was started in 1984 by two Indian Nations, the Gitxsan Nation and the Wet'suwet'en, who claimed both ownership and jurisdiction over their traditional territories that amount to 58, 000 square kilometers of northwestern British Columbia. It is argued that Delgamuukw is perhaps the most important judicial decision to impact the field of aboriginal affairs in British Columbia because the Supreme Court of Canada made a number of statements about aboriginal rights and title that indicate how the courts will approach these cases in the future. Among the lengthy statements made by the court, the recognition and affirmation of aboriginal title is particularly emphasized in this article since no Canadian courts had so clearly and directly addressed the definition and content of aboriginal title until this decision. In comparison with Taiwan's old-fashioned definition of aboriginal rights that deal with aboriginal rights in terms of the right to use the land for traditional activities such as hunting, the Supreme Court of Canada established a much more advanced and inspiring principle with regards to aboriginal title-a right to the land itself, and a property right that are no longer limited to traditional practices.


彭月櫻。2010。〈聯合國受理平埔族告馬政府,台灣歷史應重寫?〉《台灣英文新聞》5 月25 日(http://www.taiwannews.com.tw/etn/news_content.php?id=1265769&lang=eng_news&cate_rss=news_PD)(2010/6/12)。
黃驛淵。2007。〈多元文化精神何在〉《中國時報》5 月9 日(http://city.udn.com/v1/blog/ article/article.jsp?uid=Badboy&f_ART_ID=948574)(2010/10/9)。
劉宜伶。2010。〈還我原民身份 平埔族正名官司開庭〉《中廣新聞網》4 月8 日(http://www.coolloud.org.tw/node/51418)(2010/6/12)。
BC Treaty Commission. 1999. “A Lay Person's Guide to Delgamuukw.”(www.bctreaty.net/files/pdf_documents/delgamuukw.pdf) (2010/8/20)
Delgamuukw. 1993. “The Gitxsan.” (http://www.gitxsan.com/) (2010/11/20)
