  • 期刊


A Study of the Development between EU and ASEAN after Cold War-From Perspective of Regionalism


歐盟與東協是目前國際環境中具有規模的兩大區域實體。從客觀的角度而言,這兩大區域體彼此沒有相同的文化、歷史背景,甚至於在血統、種族上,亦是兩個獨立的區域體。 再者從二次大戰後的國際政治發展來觀察,歐盟從經濟上的結盟,透過歐洲各國之間在政治、經濟、社會文化方面的不斷磨合,進而使歐盟從經濟上的結盟,逐漸朝向政治上的結盟發展。反觀東南亞各國,彼此相約成立東協,其目的不盡然是基於經濟上的考量,這其中還包含許多政治、戰略的因素。在各國彼此有自己的考量之下,東協的成立,提供東南亞各國可以彼此對話的平台,成為各國互相交換訊息的機構。 乍看之下,這兩大區域體似乎循著既定的歷史脈絡,從低階整合階段,往高階整合階段邁進。本論文嘗試從區域主義的觀點,一方面說明歐盟與東協在發展歷程中,是否符合區域主義論點的期待與論述?若符合區域主義的論點,本文將繼續探討歐盟與東協在發展歷程中,是否有異同之處?


In the size, EU and ASEAN are the two regional entities of the current international environment. From an objective point of view, there is no same culture, historical background between EU and ASEAN. Even in the origin, racial, EU and ASEAN are independent each other. After the post-World War II, from the international political and development to observe the EU development. We can find that EU's development by the European countries in the political, economic, social and cultural aspects of the constantly running, then the EU from the economic alliance, the gradual move towards the political alliance development. In contrast, countries in Southeast Asia, ASEAN set up similar to each other, their purpose is not entirely based on economic considerations, many of which also contains political and strategic factors. In the countries under consideration each have their own, the establishment of ASEAN, Southeast Asian countries can provide a platform for dialogue with each other and become national institutions to exchange information. At first glance, these two regions seem to follow the established body of historical context, from the low-integration phase, integration phase to move higher. In this thesis, the view from the regionalism, this article will explain the EU and ASEAN in the course of development is consistent with the expectations of regionalism argument and discussion? If the line regionalism argument, this article will continue to explore the development of the EU and ASEAN.


regionalism European Union ASEAN


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