  • 期刊


The Survival and Development of Finland as a Small State


芬蘭作為一個小國,人口僅548萬。在瑞典與俄國兩大強鄰占領下,芬蘭人透過國族認同和意識爭取到1917年建立自己的國家。然而如何和興起中的蘇聯共產主義強鄰相處,並維持自己的自由與民主政體,是芬蘭國家安全戰略的重大課題。雖然二次大戰期間為抗衡蘇聯,芬蘭引進德國力量,但遭逢不利,需對蘇聯割地賠款。然而,帕斯基維(Paasikivi)總統持現實主義立場,清楚戰後蘇聯對芬蘭的意圖後,採取了「不結盟的中立」的防禦性策略,其後由後繼的吉科納 (Kekkonen)總統擴大該政策的內涵,從而得以讓芬蘭在西方世界獲得生存的空間,並成為國際上經濟與社會先進的國家。


芬蘭 小國 不結盟的中立


Finland, as a small country, has a population of only 5.48 million. It is under the occupation of Sweden and Russia that the Finns fought to establish their own country in 1917 through the national identity and consciousness. However, how to get along with the rise of Soviet communist country and to maintain their freedom and democracy is a major issue for Finnish national security strategy. Although during the Second World War to compete against the Soviet Union, Finland introduced the German power. But it was unfavorable and needed to cut off and repay the Soviet Union. However, President Paasikivi, who took the realist position and made clear the post-war Soviet Union's intention to Finland, adopted a defensive strategy of "non-aligned neutrality." Followed by the successor of President Kekkonen to expand the meaning of the policy, Finland can get the survival of space in the Western world, and become the international economic and social advanced country.


Finland small state non-aligned neutrality


Singleton, Fred. 2002. A Short History of Finland. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
洪瑞閔,2017。〈小國的生存之道:歐洲的中立概念〉《巴黎視野》38 期,頁10。
Alapuro, Risto. 1988. State and Revolution in Finland. Berkeley: University of California Press.
allRefer. n.d. “Finland: Economic Development” (http://reference.allrefer.com/country-guide-study/finland/finland90.html) (2017/6/8)
