  • 期刊


The Way of Living of Modern Mongolia: From the Aspect of Its Neighboring Relations




蒙古 生存之道 中國 俄國 第三鄰國


Mongolia has different ways of living at different times. The role of Mongolia in the Qing period was gradually downgraded from a Manchu partner to a vassal. When the Qing Empire collapsed and the Republic of China was established, Mongolia seized the opportunity to declare independence and enthrone its own emperor. After the independent movement of 1911 failed, the Urga government pragmatically abandoned its goal of a pan-Mongolian independent state, and pursued only the independence of Outer Mongolia. This strategy helped it become an independent country later in 1921. When the Sino-Soviet relations were friendly in the 1950s and early 1960s, Mongolia obtained resources from both sides. When the relationship between its two neighbors deteriorated, Mongolia did not make its decision until the last minute so to gain more resources. It chose to side with the Soviet Union. Mongolia formally took the road of democratization in 1990, even before the collapse of the Soviet Union, to pursue real independence. In order to survive in a tight corner between China and Russia, Mongolia cleverly creates for itself a third neighbor, and strengthens its neutrality through the strategies of trilateralism and permanent neutrality. This paper attempts to examine Mongolia’s policies towards its neighbors and other related countries or organizations, as well as their interactions and the outcomes. The author believes that Mongolia fully understands its own advantages and disadvantages in its interaction with neighbors or other countries. Mongolia is always active, pragmatic and creative to seek its own best interests.


Mongolia Way of Living China Russia Third Neighbors


上海觀察,2015。〈解局:蒙古想 “永久中立” 影響中國幾何〉大公資訊(http://news.takungpao.com.hk/world/exclusive/2015-10/3219996.html)(2017/8/7)。
李警銳,2016。〈中俄蒙元首會晤將舉行 打造三國經濟走廊〉人民網(http://politics.people.com.cn/n1/2016/0621/c1001-28466176.html)(2017/4/2)。
