  • 期刊


Performance art in the digital age: The emergent dynamics of behavior control and social aesthetics


廿一世紀全球首度出現「快閃」初始概念與實踐原典之後,各地多元實踐獲得許多原典變型的樣態,近年在臺灣各個生活層面也成為能見度很高的詞彙,筆者特別注意到臺灣地區數位媒體文本中,常出現各級學校運用「快閃」作為學校活動的報導。有視於此,本文從歷史脈絡掌握「快閃」原典中的概念與實踐要件,進一步分析臺灣地區數位媒體報導中,學校採取「快閃」作為教育手段的各種樣貌,以及產生的潛在課程與影響。研究設計以Google搜尋引擎設定「快閃」為新聞關鍵字,搜尋2015全年至2016年九月國內電子媒體以「快閃」為標題的新聞報導。研究方法以文本分析法聚焦於活動主體為各級學校的報導文本,另依活動目的分項分析,以建構「快閃」以其當代行為藝術之姿,在臺灣地區各級教育機構中實踐的內涵。本文援引後現代美學概念剖析「快閃」行為藝術,透過媒體文本分析發現「快閃」在目前臺灣教育場域被接納的意義、轉化的方式以及其功能與美學意涵,據此提出媒體報導中大量教育機構運用此一藝術表達方式時,應同時注意到此一行為藝術對於身體實踐與知識認知的影響,進而留意「快閃」活動衍生的潛在課程與藝術觀點的遷移。有視於此, 本文作者提出思辨援引行為藝術作為溝通表述手段時,應從批判教育角度檢視其中的衡平, 深刻思考行為藝術在當代的意義,以及用作教育手段的效益、效能與效果。同時,透過梳理「快閃」歷史發展脈絡,直指「快閃」原典與其行動藝術美學的核心內涵,呈現教育機構如何透過「快閃」塑造行為個體的社會身體感知與存在,慎思教育場域援引當前全球大眾化之行為藝術的價值,與明辨「快閃」瞬間表象下全面而長遠的影響。


快閃 後現代 美學 行為藝術 社會身體


Since the MOB Project, as a genre among performance arts, stunned the world in 2003, the folk-lore performance events can be found all over the world , even in educational milieu. Drawing upon critical discourse analysis as analytical tool and postmodern aesthetic theories as theoretical structure, the researcher examined the digital text in news to reveal how flash mobs were employed by educational institutions and existed in practices by school students. The data collected were digital news posted in the internet during January 1 of 2015 to September 28 of 2016. The researcher has examined the particular characteristics of the flash mob that make it unique as a performance event in Taiwan . The analysis shows that the flash mobs realized by school students in Taiwan were reconceptualized by school educators and stakeholders. On the other hand, the practice of flash mob transformed diversely from the prototype of Wasik's original mode to a tailored style. In addition, the function of social communication and aesthetic approach of flash mob were replaced by specific purpose in the mask of educational discourses. Regarding this, the researcher argues that it is crucial to note the impact of body habitus on students via the practice of flash mob while they were included in determinate social/economic-educational activities. Moreover, the hidden curriculum associated with the determinate flash mobs and the rearticulation of prototypical flash mob are so prominent that educators should evaluate the employment of flash mob as educational means. With respect to the findings, it is prudent to critically examine what has been changed if flash mob adopted as educational means.


Flash mob Postmodern Aesthetics Performance art Social body
