  • 期刊


User Satisfaction with the Taipei National University of the Arts Swimming Pool Before and After Outsourcing Management


國北藝大游泳館於103年委託校外專業廠商經營管理,迄今屆滿三年,有鑒於委外契約即將到期,實有必要進行檢討,以為後續經營策略擬定之依據。國北藝大游泳館在委外前係由學校體育室自行營運,曾於委外前(民102) 進行一次消費者滿意度調查。本研究於106年再次進行消費者滿意度調查,藉由差異分析比較委外前後之服務品質知覺與滿意度的差異,以為後續經營管理之參考。研究發現國北藝大體育室自行營運期間,顧客對於人員表現、設備完善、環境舒適、友善性等四個面向的服務品質知覺與整體滿意度皆高於委外專業管理公司。特別是,環境舒適與人員表現是降低最為明顯的項目。此外,環境舒適與友善性是兩個主要影響消費者滿意度的變項。本研究建議國北藝大游泳館應持續改善設備的完善性及人員的服務表現,同時強化環境空間的舒適性及友善性以提昇顧客的整體滿意度。


Taipei National University of the Arts (TNUA) has outsourced the operation and management of its swimming pool to a professional firm for 3 years since 2014. The contract for the outsourcing job will soon expire; therefore, user satisfaction with the outsourced swimming pool should be assessed to inform the development of future strategies for the pool’s management. The swimming pool was managed by the university’s Physical Education Office before an outsourcer took over the job. A survey of user satisfaction with the pool was conducted in 2013, and the survey was administered again in 2017. Therefore, this study compared users'perceived service quality of the swimming pool and satisfaction with the pool before and after it was managed by an outsourcer. The findings are as follows. First, when the Physical Education Office was in charge of the swimming pool, users reported higher perceived service quality in terms of"staff performance," "facility comprehensiveness,""comfort,"and"user-friendliness"as well as greater overall satisfaction. Notably, the scores of "comfort" and"staff performance" were significantly lower when the pool was managed by the outsourcer. Second,"comfort"and"user-friendliness"were the main influencing variables of user satisfaction. On the basis of the findings, the TNUA can improve user satisfaction with its swimming pool by constantly improving the comprehensiveness of facilities, service performance of staff, comfort, and user-friendliness.
