  • 期刊


A Survey Study on Nurses' Medication Errors in a Medical Center




給藥錯誤 通報


The purposes of this study was to understand the medication errors reported by nurses, the errors found through a nurse head surveillance and the under estimations of the reporting system in a medical center. A retrospectively reported data collected from the period between January, 2001 and April, 2004 on medication errors of 587 nurses from 38 wards. There were other study subjects of 15 nurses in a ward observed by a nurse head from September, 2003 to April, 2004. The results indicated that the reported medication errors rising yearly, no case in 2001, one case in 2002, six cases in 2003 and seven cases in the first four months of 2004. In term of the patients' impact of the errors, 50% of the patients need to be monitored in a small extent and 28.6% in a complex extent. In the aspects of the misplace contents, the dosage mistake was the most popular (35.7%), followed by the category error of 28.6% and the medication-patient mismatch (21.4%). The errors happened more in the day time (78.6%) compared to the evening and the night time. Those errors reported by nurses were under estimated for the reason that forty-nine misplaced prescriptions were noted from a sample ward during an eight-month observation time, yet none of which were reported. The errors needs could be avoided through the efforts on remodeling the reporting system, computerizing prescription record, establishing drug information network, and enhancing nursing in-service training.


medication error reporting system


