  • 期刊


An Impact Evaluation on the Perineal Contraction Exercise for Pain Control of Perineal Wound Women


本研究旨在比較陰道生產的產婦,在產後麻醉藥藥效消退且未服用止痛劑時,有否做會陰肌肉收縮運動(perineal contraction exercise)對坐下時會陰傷口疼痛程度之影響。採準實驗研究之兩組前後測設計,實驗組爲南部某醫學中心在民國年3月至6月間之陰道生產的產婦共計35人;控制組爲南部某地區教學醫院同期間之陰道生產的產婦亦收案人。該收縮運動由護理師指導產婦在坐下之前先夾緊、收縮會陰的肌肉,同時用手觸摸腹部,感覺腹部無緊縮的現象之後再坐下來,至操作正確爲止,平均需1.4分鐘。結果顯示:兩組間之六個控制變項(產婦的年齡、產次、分娩方式、會陰有無撕裂傷、會陰裂傷程度、嬰兒體重)均無顯著差異。再經重覆測量分析之效果比較,顯示實驗組的介入效果顯著較控制組好;即實驗組的平均疼痛程度從前測2.71降爲1.42分,控制組從前測3.20升高爲3.57分,兩組間疼痛程度改變幅度之差異達統計上之顯著水準。根據此項結果,該醫學中心已於民國年月將會陰肌肉收縮運動列入產後病房護理常規照護項目之一。


This study Aimed at understanding the effectiveness of pain control on the perineal contraction exercise for perineal wound women. A quasi-experimental of two groups pre-post design was implemented to 70 postpartum women from March to June of 2003; 35 of them recruited from a medical center hospital as the experimental group and the other 35 women came from a community teaching hospital as the control group. The perineal contraction exercise was to taught and monitored by a senior registered nurse to assure the accuracy and reliability of the exercise. Results revealed that the experimental group shows a significant improvement on pain-relief than the control group (pain level decreases from 2.71 to 1.42 in the experimental group while in the control group increases from 3.20 to 3.57) after controlling 6 confounding variables (e.g. age, frequency of previous delivery, ways of delivery a tear or not of the perineum degree of perineal wound, and body weight of the baby). We suggest that perineal contraction exercise should be included in the routine postpartum care for delivery women.
