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The Discussion on Six Characters in Zuo Zhuan by Their First Names & Courtesy Names




《左傳》 人物

Parallel abstracts

According to the volumes of Zuo Zhuan in sequence, this article discusses the relevance between first names and courtesy names of the six characters in the text. The following eight characters are in sequence of volumes: Gōng-zǐ (the prince of Sòng State), Dū's courtesy name is "Huá-fù"; Lìng-yǐn (the prime minister of Chǔ State), Chéng Dé-chén's and Dà-fū (the senior official of Chǔ State), Guān Cóng's are both "Zi-yù"; Dà-fū (the senior official of Jìn State), Xū Chén's is "Zi-fàn"; Gōng-zǐ (the prince of Qín State), Zhēn's is "Bó Chē"; Dà-fū (the senior official of Qí State), Chén Nì's is "Zi-xíng". The relevance between first names and courtesy names of these eight characters is literal meaning such as Chén Nì's; or it is opposite meaning, for instance, Gōng-zǐ Dū's, Xū Chén's and Chéng Dà-xīn's; moreover, it is also similar meaning like Chéng Dé-chén's, Guān Cóng's, Xì Qí's and Gōng-zǐ Zhēn's.

Parallel keywords

Zuo Zhuan characters first name courtesy name


題(周)管仲著,黎翔鳳校注,梁運華整理:《管子校注》,北京:中華書局,2009 年,據上海涵芬樓影宋刊楊忱本為底本點校排印。
(周)莊周著,(清)郭慶藩集釋:《莊子集釋》,臺北:貫雅文化事業公司,1991 年,據清人黎庶昌《古逸叢書》覆宋本為底本點校排印。
(周)韓非著,(清)王先慎集解:《韓非子集解》,北京:中華書局,1998 年,據《四部叢刊》影宋乾道本為底本點校排印。
(秦)呂不韋編,陳奇猷校釋:《呂氏春秋校釋》,臺北:華正書局,1998 年,據清畢沅《呂氏春秋校正》本為底本校釋排印。
(漢)毛亨傳,(漢)鄭玄箋,(唐)孔穎達正義:《毛詩注疏》,臺北:藝文印書館,1993 年,據清嘉慶二十年(1815)江西南昌府學版影印。
