  • 期刊


To Reduce the Internal Communication Phone Calls in Central Nursing Station of Emergency Room




Because of the increasing patients in our hospital's emergency room(ER), ER keeps expanding the space for service. At this moment, however, the internal communication through phone calls induces lots of complaints and troubles among personnel on delay activities due to message mistaken or delay. If the message can't pass on the right time, not only it increases the working hour and reduces the satisfactory of the ER's work, but also causes the impact on patients' safety, and fulfills a satisfactory level on efficiency and efficacy of ER. The purpose of this paper is to investigate root causes induce the problem at central nursing station, find out solutions to improve the problem and to reduce the frequency of internal communication phone calls at ER. Through investigation, we find out the root causes on frequent phone calls at central nursing station are as following: First, personnel couldn't locate the leaser or chief nurse's position. Second, the personnel lack of proper tools to communication with leader or chief nurse. Third, personnel use the central nursing phone calls as switchboard. Last, the personnel lacks of dynamic information on hospitalized status through enough computers. Through the case improvement plan, the hospital has provides the hardware equipment on communication, updated of computer program, and taught the right way by training the ER staffs to use the hardware equipment and computer properly. The internal communication phone calls has reduced from 554 (times/ per day) to 145 (times/per day) at central nursing station, and has met the goal of current design plan. The reduction of the phone calls saves the time on handling the phone calls, and increases the working hour on the patients for the nursing staffs.


