  • 期刊


A Study of Implementation Model for the Integration of Risk Controls


任何有效的想法除非可轉換爲具體的執行程序,否則毫無意義可言。所以在作業風險管理的步驟中,風險控制決策完成之後,必須將可運用的資源進行整理,以便在執行特定控制方法時,能夠有完整的資源協助風險控制之順利推展。 本文主要探討風險控制整合之執行模型,包括:確認重要工作、分配重要工作、衡量績效、獎勵與懲戒、安全行爲等要項。以使整合的作業過程中,風險控制能依任務的重要性而與主要作業分享時間或資源,進行合理的分配,並兼顧系統的相容性,以避免相互削減的情況發生。


Once the risk control decision is made in operational risk management, implement risk controls assets must be made available to implement the specific controls. This study investigated implementation model for the integration of risk controls. It depicts the actions necessary to complete the fifth step of operational risk management. Implementation model includes five steps of identify key tasks, assign key tasks, measure performance, reward and correct, safe behavior. It helps risk controls to be integrated fully and compatible with the system, because risk controls should compete for resources and time based on their relative significance to the operation.


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