  • 期刊


Modern Defense Information Technology and Information Security Theories




21st century is the era of computer network technology, information can be promptly delivered and exchanged via network, hence, the global society is therefore be generated. Along with the popularity of internet, information security issues become more and more important. Information superiority is the potential force of national, global, and corporate power. The era of information warfare, information security must be shared with all the people in response to the face known as ”the rise of great powers,” the Chinese Communist Party and the U.S. hegemony everywhere compete for influence in the world. This paper has discussed the trend of national defense information technologies as well as network security theories. We should pay attention to network centric warfare theory and information security technology, combined with the integration of future operational needs of military and civilian technology energy, phased development of strong security information Infrastructure and Automation joint operations command and control systems, in order to consolidate and ensure national security and information advantage. Most importantly, to robust our national defense, we should incorporate future combat requirements, and also integrate military-civilian technologies to steadily develop the secure information infrastructure and the intelligent joint warfare operation-control systems for superior information warfare.


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