  • 期刊

應用QR CODE於ERP系統以解決人力危機

Implementing QR Code in ERP System to Solve Labor Force Crisis


本研究以C 公司為研究個案,藉由QR CODE應用導入個案公司ERP 系統之方案,並探討個案公司在人力危機管理成效。透過產品給予識別QR CODE(二維行動條碼)並導入行動裝置系統, 資料直接連結ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning)系統平台,以做到有效的垂直整合管理。再藉由WIFI 技術讓資訊整合更具便利性、一致性和準確性。本研究發現系統導入後,可讓個案公司原有人工轉單及抄表造成的失誤情形降低,也直接降低了人工作業等待和貨物滯留的時間浪費,不但大幅提升了作業效率,也有效的解決人力短缺危機。


In this study, we take C Company as the case study for how to integrate ERP system with QR Code system and to explore the effectiveness of case company in the management of human crisis. By using QR Code system with mobile device through WIFI system, the corresponding data of products can be transferred from or to ERP system online in a more convenient, consistent and accurate manner. This case study shows that unwanted errors caused by manually recording and meter reading can be prevented by implementing this system. Furthermore, this system can also reduce unnecessary labor force and cargo retention time. The system not only greatly improved the efficiency of the material handling operations, but also effectively solved manpower shortage crisis.


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