  • 期刊


A Research for the Athletic Volunteers Operational Mode of Beijing Olympics-an example of Qingdao Sailing


本研究旨在探討2008年北京奧運會帆船競賽運動志工運作之模式,內容包括:2008年北京奧運會概述、帆船競賽在青島市舉辦時運動志工的招募、培訓與核心服務、周邊服務、品質管控與效益評估等主題;在研究方法上,採用文獻分析法、半結構式訪談法,針對2008年北京奧運會帆船競賽之參與人員,包括組委會之行政組織、競賽組織、賽會志工等進行個別深度訪談,以深入瞭解此運動賽會志工管理運作之模式。 訪談對象包括北京奧運會組委會2人,帆船競賽組織成員3人,青島市組委會3人,中華台北帆船協會、奧委會單位代表3人,合計11人。研究結果如下: 一、運動賽會志工精神的核心是服務、團結的理想和共同使這個世界變得更加美好的信念,志願者服務的精神本質概括為:奉獻、友愛、互助、進步。 二、針對不同類型賽事需求,北京奧組委設計了不同類別的培訓;運動賽會志工要參加通用、專業、場館、崗位四種類別的培訓。 三、北京奧運會帆船競賽的運動志工服務為賽會提供「有特色、高水平」的服務奠定了堅實基礎,又為提高民眾素質,建立和諧社會做出了貢獻。 四、運動志工服務者的微笑是北京奧運會最好的名片;經由運動志工的服務,全世界都感受到了北京奧運會的熱情與微笑。


The purpose of this research is for studying the operational mode of the athletic volunteers for 2008 Beijing Olympic Sailing. Which included the subjects of: the outline of 2008 Beijing Olympics, the recruit of athletic volunteers for Qingdao Sailing, the trainings and the kernel of services, the peripheral services, the quality control and the valuation of efficiency, etc.; the ways of research were undertaken through the analysis of literatures, semi structure interviews with the participants of 2008 Beijing Olympic Sailing individually, which included the administrant association of committee, the contest association and the volunteers of the game, in order to understand more precisely about the management of the operational mode for athletic volunteers. The interviewees were included: 2 members of Beijing Olympic committee, 3 members of Sailing committee, 3 members of Qingdao City office and 3 members of Chinese Taipei Sailing and N.0.C. officer, they are totally 11 interviewees. The result is as below: 1. The cores of the athletic contest for the volunteers' spirit are service, the idea of united and the creed of transforming the world collectively. The spiritual essences of the volunteers' services are generally comprised: dedication, fraternity, cooperation and progress. 2. There are various training programs designed by the Beijing Olympic Committee for diverse racing categories: the athletic volunteers have to attend four different trainings: the general, the professional, the field and the position. 3. The services of the athletic volunteers of the Beijing Olympic Sailing Game have established a firm foundation of a ”characteristic and high level” service for the Games, and uplifted the quality of the public, and contributed the society with harmony. 4. The smiles of the athletic volunteers are the most splendid name card of the Beijing Olympics; through the services of the athletic volunteers, the whole world will feel the enthusiasm and the smiles of the Beijing Olympics.
