  • 期刊


Kinematical and Kinetical Analyses on Hand Snatch and Jerk of Elite Male Weightlifters in Taiwan


本研究之目的在於探討我國男子舉重選手實施抓舉與挺舉動作進行運動學的比較與分析。本研究方法是以測力板一塊和測力板分析軟體(Quattro Jump)同步測量,進行資料的收集。資料處理將轉成依照時間順序排列之數字檔(ASCII檔)經換算後轉換成數位訊號、存於個人電腦。本研究是從根據攝影機及測力板獲得五位男子優秀舉重選手的抓舉與挺舉在槓鈴與身體重心之水平位移過程中之差異,所獲得結論如下:槓鈴與身體重心之水平位移,整體是挺舉是比抓舉高,在抓舉與挺舉的提鈴期至發力期結束點最低是11.93公分至28.76公分。所以,五位選手在技術的初步分析,抓舉與挺舉過程中,不同人之間差別較大,約在2公分至16公分之間。


舉重 抓舉 挺舉 運動學


The purpose of this study was to kinetically and kinematically analyze hand snatch and jerk of elite male weightlifters in Taiwan. Because the techniques of the two prescribed lifts, namely the hand snatch and clean and jerk, are crucial for weightlifters in competitions. Hence, kinetically and kinematically analyze the technical components of the hand snatch and jerk will be helpful to the athletes, and consequently increase the possibilities of winning. By using high speed camera and force plate to collect data from 5 elite weightlifters and compared hand snatch and jerk, this study found the following results: The horizontal transfer of gravity of bell was found higher in jerk rather than snatch about 11.93 cm to 28.76 cm. In general, five weightlifters performed well in this aspect but there is a little difference between five weightlifters about 2 cm to 16 cm.


Weightlifting Snatch Jerk Kinematics
