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Chien-Ming Wang's media value in the nationalism


本文乃是探究臺灣近年最知名的美國職棒大聯盟選手王建民,近年來成績雖然下滑,但臺灣媒體對其關注卻比其他傑出運動項目的選手更多,從文獻分析法可以歸納出王建民仍受到媒體青睞的主要原因有四點:一、國族主義與運動;王建民等同國族主義中「民族英雄」主要意涵。二、棒球運動與媒體的再現;亦即媒體將王建民視為社會想像的共同體,因此受到媒體儀式性報導與關注。三、新聞框架與群眾心理;媒介框架「媒介框架」(media frames)是一種認知結構,能夠指引對真實的感知和再現,當王建民被冠上臺灣的社會集體意識與想像並成為社會共同體之載體時,則新聞框架與群眾收看心理會產生互相強化。四、異化(alienation);王建民是資本主義下,經過異化文化產品,為滿足社會國族主義需求而被異化的產品。綜論之,透過前述的文化意涵來看,讓王建民備受媒體及閱聽者之重視,其內容更包含國族、媒體框架操作、資本主義與民眾心理需求等多面向。


王建民 國族 異化

Parallel abstracts

The study is aimed to explore the differences of leisure benefits and training effects in track and field athletes participating National College Sports Meets, and to investigate the relationship between such two variables. The participants are those taking part in the National College Sports Meets; 400 questionnaires were issued, and 361 questionnaires were received. 37 invalid questionnaires were deducted and 324 questionnaires are valid. Effective recovery rate is 81.00%. And t-test, one-way ANOVA and canonical analysis were applied to analyze the collected data. The conclusions in this study are as followed: First, among different groups of athletes, those who major in physical education have a lower scale in「the contents of healthy lives」, while there is no such significance between them and the group that is not physical education major in 「the adjustment of physical and mental health」. Second, in 「the contents of healthy lives」, seniors in college and graduate school athletes have done better than the freshmen and sophomore athletes. In「the adjustment of physical and mental health」, senior athletes are better than freshmen and sophomore athletes. Third, different ages and sports do not affect training effects. Fourth, correlation occurs between leisure benefits and training effects; that is, the lower the athletes' leisure befits, the contents of healthy lives and the adjustments of physical and mental health are, the worse are physical fitness, tactical ability and team spirit of the training effects.
