  • 期刊


Teaching Badminton in Delighted Way-Designed Based on Beach Ball




樂趣化 羽球教學 沙灘球


The responsibility and the teaching direction of contemporary physical education (PE) teachers are to stand in students' positions, choose the proper teaching materials for them and extend the diversity of teaching contents. PE teachers have to be creative and diversify the content of PE course. Teachers can adopt different ways to teach and thereby spur the motivations of students' as well as create a lively atmosphere. The teaching ways of PE are turn to focus on delighting process, multiple contents, effective method and organized advancement (Chou, 1994). Chao (2002) indicated that students quite like to learning in a vivid atmosphere and delighted ways. Also, playing games in class not only attracts students' attentions but increase the interactions between teacher and student. According to the practical experiences, I use some characteristics of beach ball to design the method of teaching badminton movements, including grip, force point and lift. Teachers can enrich badminton teaching contents through these ways, approach the goals like raise the motivations of students, enrich the content of course, make a delighted atmosphere and ensure students comprehend the skills. Except for the explanation and demonstration by teachers, I want to convey the importance of assisted teaching aids. It will be easier for students to realize the skills by the stimulation from those teaching aids. According to my experiences, teach with assisted materials is quite effective. That is the reason why I wrote this to recommend for other PE teachers.


Delighted ways Badminton Teaching Beach ball
