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Discuss the coastal recreation sports development in Taiwan northern and northeast coast region




Purpose: Northern coast of Taiwan has abundant natural resources in order to facilitate the development of coastal recreational sports, but coastal marine recreation sports development are still inadequate general education in Taiwan, marine concept of consciousness is weak, vulnerable marine policy integration. Methods: By literature review, from the development of coastal recreational sport for an overview, discuss current trends coastal recreation sports affairs, compile the current development, the development of the proposal and the northeast region north coast waters recreation sports development strategy. Results: This paper discusses the discovery and the northeast corner of the north coast region: (1) coastal recreational sports development in resource-rich but there is still space; (2) should import more sports; (3) local school curriculum and industry cooperation, the establishment of cooperative education, strengthen personnel. the cultivation; (4) set aside funds to enrich coastal recreational sports information center, training center; (5) counseling professionals and tourism combined to promote marine package tour mode. Conclusion: The policy promotion, leisure industry booming, however, on the promotion of waters, swimming is still focused on the promotion, for coastal recreation advocacy and promotion efforts are still ongoing space, resulting in coastal recreational sports people and many more such as snorkeling and swimming activities based. Therefore, apart from the government to promote, you should implement waters from school teaching and promotion, I believe that coastal recreational sports will be changed more quality, and Taiwan will become truly maritime nation.
