  • 期刊


Master or a Slave in the Touch-Screen Generation




The tide of internet technology is impossible to resist in modern age. Given a precondition like this, we need to deve lop an insight into the properties of smart phones. tablet PCs and other types of technological products. They are essentially neutral and cannot be distinguished according to their goodness versus badness or political and national terms. The resultant effects of these products depend entirely on the operation imposed upon them by humans. Many complications generated by internet technology have been observed in the society nowadays. due to the inherently imperfection of human nature and the complexity in their nurturing process. Taking these into account , the author proposes many coping strategies in the five areas of individual. family. school. society, and government. These strategies are expected to develop citizens in Taiwan into "masters" rather than "slaves" of technology. It is suggested that we should manage technology for the pursuit of greater welfare for humans while prevent it from dominating humans and creating disasters for them.


Internet smart phone tablet PC
