  • 期刊


An Investigation of Factors Determining the Competitiveness of Taiwan's Hot Springs Tourism Sector


台灣先天上具有發展溫泉產業的優良條件,但因早期缺乏完善的規劃設計與經營管理,及缺乏事權統一的專責管理機構,導致溫泉區雜亂無章,溫泉旅遊品質低落。本研究參考Dwyer and Kim (2003),Enright and Newton (2004)和Ritchie and Crouch(2003)等人所提出旅遊目的地競爭力模式,從觀光遊憩資源、經營管理策略和外在環境等三面向探索影響溫泉旅遊地競爭力之要素。經連續性三回合專家問卷調查建議,提升溫泉產業競爭力之首要任務爲改善泡湯環境衛生安全,提供國內外觀光旅客健康舒適的泡湯環境,提升溫泉旅遊品質。其次是政府建立有效的溫泉水資源開發保育管理機制,依法協助輔導現有溫泉業者整體經營,妥善規劃建設溫泉區,改善整體環境及設施品質,確保產業的永續經營。


Taiwan possesses a comparative advantage in terms of availability of natural hot springs resource along with its considerable tourism potential. However, the Taiwan authorities have paid little attention to the endemic natural hot springs resources from a legal standpoint. Over the past decades the proprietors of the various hot springs establishments have not been grouped together under a formal organization. There has also been a lack of relevant legislation to protect the use of hot springs water and to govern the construction and operation of hot springs properties. This can be a serious impediment to sustainable development. The development of a model of competitiveness for spa destinations could be guidelines for pursuing innovation and sustainability. The conceptual framework on which the present study is based contains the major elements drawn from generic tourism destination competitiveness models. This framework focuses on the determinants of destination competitiveness in the context of three major domains. These are Tourism Destination Resources and Attractors, Tourism Destination Strategies, and Tourism Destination Environments. The results of the three-round surveys indicated that the maintenance of a safe, secure and hygienic bathing environment is the top priority for all hot springs properties to deliver high quality visitor experiences. If the sector is to achieve sustainable development, local governments should assist hot springs proprietors in licensing matters and incorporate sustainability principles into the design and construction of hot springs areas.


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