  • 期刊


The Enlightenment of Hospitality Education from Postmodernism



後現代主義是1980年代以來在普遍在學術界的各領域中被廣泛討論的議題之一,其精髓在於強調多元文化並存以及尊重多元。後現代主義被認爲是一種思潮也是認識論(epistemology)和方法論(methodology)。餐旅教育強調以人爲主要研究對象,有些研究需要較深度的探討。由於在研究的典範(paradigm)上,目前餐旅教育多是以量化研究爲主。因此,在研究方法論上應尋求更多元化。本篇是一篇概念性(conceptual paper)的文章,以文獻調查法(literature survey)的方式作爲研究的主要方法。首先是分別蒐集及整理各種不同來源的後現代主義、及餐旅高等教育的相關文獻,藉以瞭解後現代主義與餐旅高等教育之間的關聯性,最後針對餐旅高等教育在後現代社會中應有定位及未來方向,作進一步的反思(reflective thinking),希望爲未來的餐旅高等教育有一些啟示的作用。


Postmodernism has been regarded as one of the most popular issues in the academia since 1980. The core of postmodernism is to emphasize the pluralistic culture and respect diversity. Postmodernism is considered as a epistemology and a methodology. The center of attention hospitality education research is on the human subjects; therefore, some issues need to be explored profoundly. On the research paradigm, the majority of hospitality papers are still using the quantitative research as methodology. For that reason, the methodology of hospitality research should be more diversified. This is a conceptual paper. The purpose of this article is from the postmodernism to confer the theme of hospitality education. The paper starts with the literature of postmodernism, then to bring up new apocalypses to hospitality education based on the ideals of postmodernism. Finally, the reflective thinking of hospitality education is presented from the view of postmodernism. The implications of the results for hospitality educators are discussed.


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