  • 期刊


Tourism Development and Cultural Commodification of the Indigenous Community: Perspectives of Attitudes of Residents and Entrepreneurs




The demand for indigenous cultural tourism is constantly on the rise, making aboriginal villages a new hot spot for tourist activities. However because the development of different areas tourism development has been different during different time periods and the development has not stopped, therefore the development of tourist areas will affect the attitudes of its residents. Tourism districts often advertise the value and tradition of the local culture to attract visitors and outside investment. At the same time entrepreneurial ventures and re-investments dealing with the selling traditional commodities often leads to the destruction of tourism destinations. For our research we used quota sampling to investigate the attitude towards the relationship of cultural products and tourism development among the residents and entrepreneurs of the Wulai region and the difference in attitudes of entrepreneurs with different attributes towards tourism development in the community. Our findings show that residents feel that cultural products and tourism development only have a significant relationship when it comes to economical matters. While entrepreneurs felt that there was no significant difference. Only the duration of business operation showed a difference in attitude towards tourism development of entrepreneurs. Additionally, no significant differences were found between demographic variables of residents and cultural products. However, significant differences were shown to exist among demographic variables including gender, marital status, whether or not tourism is the major source of income, if residents are working in the tourism industry, and the residents’ attitudes towards tourism development. From the residents' points of view there were differences between the cultural commodities. As for entrepreneurs, a significant difference was found to exist between the factor of average monthly income and cultural commodities. However, no significant differences were found among entrepreneurs' attitudes toward tourism development.


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