  • 期刊


Effects of Scutellaria Barbata Extracts on the Productivity, Chemical Properties and Immunomodulatory Activities of Extracellular Polysaccharopeptides from Coriolus versicolor (Yunzhi)


雲芝(Coriolus versicolor, Cv; syn. Trametes versicolor)爲傳統中草藥中之一種藥用真菌,其液態醱酵培養菌絲體所萃取之胞內多醣肽PSP (polysaccharopeptide)與PSK(polysaccharopeptide krestin)已被應用爲癌症之輔助治療劑。半枝蓮(Scutellaria barbata)爲一多年生中草藥,廣泛分布於南中國及韓國,常被用於抗發炎、利尿與抗腫瘤,尤其是肝癌與肝炎之治療。有關雲芝液態醱酵胞外多醣肽(extracellular polysaccharopeptides, ePSP)之生產、化學特性與生物活性之研究相當少。本研究比較本土性雲芝品系LH1於培養基中添加與未添加微量半枝蓮萃取液對ePSP生產、化學特性與免疫調節活性之影響。結果顯示添加半枝蓮萃取液所得之ePSP-Cv-SBE與未添加半枝蓮萃取液所得之ePSP-Cv在生產、化學特性與免疫調節活性有顯著差異。ePSP-Cv-SBE多醣體中之不同單糖組成比例與ePSP-Cv有顯著差異,ePSP-Cv-SBE中含3.89 mg/g阿拉伯糖(arabinose),ePSP-Cv中則未偵測到。在未添加脂多醣處理下,ePSP-Cv-SBE誘導巨噬細胞產生NO與細胞激素IL-1及IL-6產生量顯著較ePSP-Cv爲高。


雲芝 半枝蓮 多醣肽 醱酵 化學特性 免疫調節


Coriolus versicolor (syn. Trametes versicolor) is a kind of medicinal fungus used in traditional Chinese herbal remedies. Two substances extracted from the intracellular mycelium by submerged fermentation, polysaccharopeptide (PSP) and polysaccharopeptide Krestin (PSK), are currently being studied as possible complementary cancer treatments. The herb (Scutellaria barbata) is a perennial native to southern China and the entire Korean peninsula. In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), this herb is used as an anti-inflammatory, diuretic, and antitumor agent, especially in liver diseases such as hepatitis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Since little information has previously been reported thereon, the purpose of this study was to compare the production, chemical properties and immuno-regulatory activities of ePSP from Coriolus versicolor local-strain LH1 submerged fermentation of the medium with/without the addition of trace amounts of liquid Scutellaria barbata extracts (SBE). The results suggest that there are significant differences between ePSP-Cv (without the addition of SBE to the medium) and ePSP-Cv-SBE (with SBE addition). The mycelial biomass, production and productivity of ePSP-Cv-SBE from Coriolus versicolor strain LH1 with the addition of SBE to the medium were higher than in the control (without SBE addition). There was a significant difference in the composition percentage of monosaccharide in the polysaccharide of ePSP-Cv-SBE and that in the ePSP-Cv. The arabinose content was 3.89 mg/g in the ePSP-Cv-SBE; however, arabinose could not be detected in the ePSP-Cv. The production of NO, IL-1β and IL-6 from macrophage RAW264.7 induced by the ePSP-Cv-SBE was higher than in the ePSP-Cv without LPS (lipopolysaccharide) treatment.
