  • 期刊

Revisiting the Concept of Sport



自從Suits與Meier熱烈討論過玩(play),遊戲(games)及運動(sport)這三者的關係後一也就是所謂的' Tricky Triad'(神秘的三角關係)-之後便很少有研究學者在運動哲學文獻中談到此一最基本的課題。有人可能認為許多運動哲學家已釐清運動這個概念或至少達成了一種共識。然而,我們當中仍有許多人不太了解此一課題,或是對運動這個概念存有著不同的看法。儘管近來運動哲學界之研究有偏向運動道德上的課題,對於運動這個概念仍然有一些值得解讀及挑戰的課題。 本文主要在於探究及釐清這些不同的概念。藉由當代哲學當中的概念分析法,研究者希望本文可以幫助一般讀者來了解有關運動這個複雜的概念。同時也希望此一論文有助於運動研究學者在做研究的同時能夠清楚界定自己所要探討的‘運動課題’。


運動 概念 哲學


Ever since Suits and Meier discussed the relationships among play, games, and sports-the so-called 'Tricky Triad' hardly anyone has touched on this foundational issue in the philosophic literature on sports. It could be thought that sports philosophers have reached a clear, or at least a commonly agreeable, conception of these terms. However, many readers, perhaps having different conceptions of how to identify certain activities as sports, are still unclear on the issue. In spite of the recent trend in research on particular moral issues in sports, there are still certain points worth explaining and challenging in previous debates and discussions. The main purpose of this study is to explore and clarify those different conceptions. By doing so, it is hoped that this study will help general readers to understand this complex issue with regard to fundamental knowledge on the conceptual analysis of sports. It is also hoped that this study will help sports researchers to select a suitable account when investigating their so-called 'sports issues'.


sport concept philosophy


(1995).Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.Essex, UK:British National Corpus.
(1989).The Oxford English Dictionary.Oxford:Clarendon Press.
Blanchard, K.(1995).The anthropology of sport: An introduction.London:Bergin & Garvey.
Coakley, J.(1994).Sport in society: Issues and controversies.London:Mosby.
Crum, B.(1993).Paper presented at The First European Congress on Sport Management, Groningen, Netherlands.

