  • 期刊

Application of Neural Network and Moment Invariants in Expert System of Pavement Distress Diagnosis





Pavement distress diagnosis is an important task for modern airport management, however, the strenuous routine check and diagnosis works are still executed by labor. The main purpose for this paper is to present an automatic expert system to detect and classify the airport pavement distress by using technologies of pattern recognition and neural network to enhance pavement distress diagnosis. First of all, we investigate pavement by digital camera or video to capture the crack images. Second, we use technique of image processing to transfer the original color images into binary images of distress and non-distress. Next, by means of the theories of traditional geometric measurement and moment invariant, we analyze the images to generate characteristic values. Finally, by using neural network algorithm to process the classification of pavement distress images, we took practical pavement distress images for example, and complete processing image data with traditional geometric measurement and moment invariant. The experimental results indicate that the system classification with both geometric measurement and moment invariant provide better accuracy than that of only geometric measurement.


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