  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess


Exploration on the Standards of Judicial Review Concerning the Principle of Legal Reservation in the ROC Constitutional Court




Not every freedom and right is protected in the same way in the Constitution. The physical freedom of the people is stipulated in detail in Article 8 of the Constitution, in which those rights reserved in the Constitution shall not be limited even by the legislative authority, whereas freedom and rights under Articles 7, 9-18, 21 and 22 may be limited by the law upon meeting the conditions stipulated in Article 23 of the Constitution. The determination of which freedom or right shall be regulated by law or by rules authorized by the law shall depend on regulated intensity. Reasonable deviation is allowed considering the party to be regulated, the content of the regulation, or the limitations to be made on the interests or freedom. This study attempts to explore the standards of judicial review concerning the principle of legal reservation that have been applied in the ROC Constitutional Court, and tries to analyze Judicial Yuan Interpretations concerning the right to work in terms of the principle of legal reservation.


