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Faith of Wenchang Spirit and the Cherishment of Written Paper


文昌神原有星神與人格神之別,早期所信仰的是星神的文昌,周朝的文昌神,已列入國家祀典,漢世民間更以木頭雕刻成文昌司命神的神像,祀奉在「神龕」中。到了唐宋,星神逐漸人格化,以西晉末戰死的張惡子為文昌神,祀奉於梓潼地區,也稱為梓潼神。宋世因有人祭拜梓潼神而中舉,於是文昌漸由司命,而兼司文事。南宋劉安勝等人更以扶鸞的方式,依托《上清大洞真經》而撰成《太上无極總真文昌大洞仙經》,敘述文昌帝君依經修煉之得道故事,此經後來成為四川、雲南一帶,文昌廟會時所誦念的經典,影響民俗至大。 文昌由司命被轉為兼掌文事後,成為士大夫及讀書人所特別崇敬的神祇,相對的也對和文事相關的「字紙」產生崇敬心,不敢污穢踐踏,形成了敬惜字紙的習俗。


文昌帝君 司命 敬惜字紙


Wenchang Spirit (文昌神) had a different role between star god and personality god originally. The early believed Wenchang Spirit was a star god and was a country allusion quotation of offering sacrifices on Zhou (周) Dynasty, In Han (漢) Dynasty, people carved the wooden statue of life- govern Wenchung spirit and put it in shrine (神龕). By Tang and Song Dynasty, the star spirit personalized gradually. The general Chang-Wu-Zhi (張惡子), fighting died at the end the West Jin Dynasty (西晉), was offered sacriffices in the area of Zitong(梓潼) with respects it as the god of Wenchang, called it Zitong Spirit. (梓潼神). Because someone attened a memorial ceremony for Zitong Spirit and passed the imperial examinations in Song Dynasty, then Wenchang Spirit's work on governing life changed to literature gradually. In South Song Dynasty (南宋), Liu Ann-Sheng (劉安勝)et al., in accordance with the bible ”Shang-Ching-Ta-Dong-Jen-Jin” (上清大洞真經), wrote ”Ti-Shang-Wu-Gi-Zhong-Jen-Wengchung- Ta-Dong-Shien-Jin” (太上无極總真文昌大洞仙經) to describe the success story of Wenchang Spirit with practicing the bible. This was become the read aloud bible on the Temple fair later in the area of Sichuan (四川), Yunnan (雲南). Its influence on folk custom was very heavy. After Wenchang Spirit was transfered from governing life to literature, it became the very respectable spirit of court official and scholar. As to producing worship on the paper correlated with literature, have formed the custom which cherishes the paper with characters written or printed on it of offering.


