  • 期刊

Metabolic Syndrome of the Elderly Residents in Long-Term Care Facilities



目標:評估台灣地區居住於長照機構的老人其代謝症候群的盛行率 方法:於2002-2003年居住於中台灣地區長照機構中共有362位住民被收入研究中。代謝症候群則使用(1)國際糖尿病聯盟(IDF)(2)美國心臟醫學會/國立心肺血研究所(AHA/NHLBI)(3)台灣國健局的定義。使用多重式邏輯式回歸分析去探討代謝症候群與年齡、性別、身體質量指數、健康行為因子及功能狀況間的關係。 結果:本研究代謝症候群的盛行率如下:(1)IDF:27.1%(男性11.4%,女性39.2%)(2)AHA/NHLBI:36.7%(男性21.5%,女性48.5%)(3)台灣定義:35.1%(男性22.2%,女性45.1%),代謝症候群及其組成因子盛行率中,除高血壓因子外,女性皆高於男性。 使用多重式邏輯式回歸分析下,經調整年齡、性別、功能狀況及健康行為因子後,代謝症候群仍與身體質量指數呈正相關,然而代謝症候群與因健康行為因子間並無相關性。 結論:居住於長期照護機構的老人,其罹患代謝症候群相當普遍,但其與健康行為因子或功能狀況並無相關。




Objective: To investigate the prevalence of metabolic syndrome and its related factors in the elderly residents of long-term care facilities in Taiwan. Methods: A total of 362 elderly residents in long-term care facilities in Mid-Taiwan were recruited in 2002-2003. Metabolic syndrome (MetS) was defined by International Diabetes Federation (IDF), America Heart Association and National Heart Lung Blood Institute (AHA/NHLBI), and Taiwan. A multiple logistic regression analysis was adopted to explore the relationship metabolic syndrome and age, gender, body mass index (BMI), health related behavioural factors, among performance status etc.. Results: The prevalence of MetS in the elderly residents of long-term care facilities was shown 27.1% (11.4% in male and 39.2% in female) by IDF definition, 36.7% (21.5% in male and 48.5%in female) by AHA/NHLBI definition, and 35.1% (22.2% in male and 45.1% in female) by Taiwan definition. The prevalence of individual component of MetS was higher in women than in men except high blood pressure in all three used definitions. After an adjustment for age, gender, performance status, and health related behavioural factors, metabolic syndrome was found to be strongly associated with BMI, but not the factors in the elderly of these long-term care facilities. Conclusions: Metabolic syndrome is common among elderly residents who live in long-term care facilities, however, not associated with health related behavioural factors and performance status.


metabolic syndrome elderly long-term care
