  • 期刊


The Role of Dietary Protein for the Elderly with Osteoporotic Hip Fracture Postoperatively


蛋白質營養不良是老年髖骨骨折病患常見的現象。除了鈣及維生素D之外,蛋白質在維護骨骼的健康上也扮演了重要的角色。高蛋白質攝取可增加骨質密度及減少骨鬆性骨折的發生。目前的研究發現蛋白質攝取和骨質密度之間的關係有多種可能性。然而,多數研究發現蛋白質的攝取和骨質密度之間是呈正相關。蛋白質攝取也會增加血清類胰島素生長因子-1(IGF-1)的濃度;此因子可增加骨質密度,促進骨折部位的合成代謝活性(anabolic activity)及復原。研究顯示在髖骨骨折術後老年病患的飲食中補充蛋白質的優點包括縮短住院天數、減少死亡率及減少合併症。然而,因爲缺乏一致性的營養不良定義、營養介入措施的配方種類和給予時間不同、以及不同的結果變項,因而使蛋白質補充療法對老年髖骨骨折病患的效果仍有待更多的研究證實。


Protein malnutrition is a common occurrence in the elderly with hip fracture. In addition to calcium and vitamin D, protein also plays a key role in maintaining bone health. High protein intake can increase bone mass density and reduce incidence of osteoporotic fracture. Studies so far have suggested various associations between protein intake and bone mass, ranging from positive, negative to insignificant. However, most studies show a positive association between protein intake and bone mass. Dietary protein enhances the concentration of serum IGF-1, a factor that promotes anabolic activity and facilitates recovery at the fracture site. There are also studies reporting the beneficial effects of protein supplements in the elderly with hip fracture, including shortened duration of hospital stay, reduced mortality, and decreased complications. Due to the lack of an established definition of malnutrition, further studies need to be conducted to examine the types and durations of nutritional intervention, analyze the different outcome variables, and confirm the effects of protein supplementation on the elderly patients with hip fracture.


