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Cross-regional Vision of Oceanic Experience: "The other" Discourse of Zheng He legends in Taiwan




The point of view in this essay is to show how the aborigines' appearance in Zheng He legends. If we compare the legends in South East Asia region with those in Taiwan, we will find some interesting observations. First, there are the same plot and narration in Zheng He legends. Whatever stories told by people living in South East Asia region or Taiwan are alike. Second, people who told or recorded the legends always stress the importance of edification by Zheng He. Therefore, the appearances of aboriginals are represented as barbarian or wild man. Besides, in terms of research, scholars give a challenge to discuss the ”truth” of Zheng He that had been to Taiwan. As a matter of fact, the legends of Zheng He may be ”create” by certain reasons. Why and how the legends about Zheng He edify Taiwan aboriginal to be true? If we take the viewpoint of ocean-a cross-regional vision of oceanic experience, we may find the legends are ”true” as a result of particular ”other” discourse. Finally, the image of Zheng He is always represented as a wise man in historical records, however, Zheng He's appearence in popular novel is grotesque. The latter is full of tension.On the basis of humid weather and gender idea in South East Asia, the ”other” discourse of Zheng He legends in Taiwan is created by the cross-regional vision of oceanic experience. It's a new eyesight to investigate the Taiwan's literature and history.


