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Revisiting Hou Hsiao-Hsien's "Boys from Fenggui": An Intertextual Study




When previous scholarship focues on Hou Hsiao-hsien and his aesthetics of long takes and bystander positions in relation to Shen Congwen's literary works, this paper shifts its focus on vital impulses that both of their works share and points out the intertexual relationships of ”Boys from Fenggui” (1983) with ”Lovable You” (1981) and ”Rocco and His Brothers” (1960). Just as the young Shen Congwen, ”boys from Fenggui” express their vital impluses through resistance to domestic confinement, group fightings and romantic pursuits. Their youth, however glorious it may be, leaves no traces on history same as their counterpart of Western Hunan residents in Shen Congwen's writings who exhaust their life enengy in fighting and self-entertainment. In addition, ”Lovable You” can be regarded as the predecessor of ”Boys from Fenggui”; the ordinay people in the background from the former have become the heroes and heroines on the front stage of the latter. Similar to Milan in Rocco and His Brothers, Kausheng in ”Boys from Fenggui” provides these teenagers an opportunity to move forward in a progressive life trajectary along with the linear progression of modernity: having a job, earning money, striving for promotion, and becoming a middle-class member. Their self-realization in Kaosheng examplifies Taiwan's economic miracle and, whether or not they succeed in fullfiling the dreams, Hou Hsiao-hsien acknowledges the life enegy of these youths and, through the film, attempts to revitalize the audience's vital impulses.


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