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Translating "Her" into the Nation: The Invention of the Female Third-person Pronoun in Colonial Taiwan and Korea




This paper seeks to examine the emergence of female third-person pronoun in the linguistic and literary landscapes of colonial Taiwan and Korea. At the turn of twentieth century, the advocacies of vernacular languages and free love and marriage in colonial societies intersected with the desire for civilization and nation-building. Throughout the period, the discourses on new literature, new novels, as well as modern love and sexuality were differently characterized on the basis of the ideological tendency towards cultivating women. Built upon these conditions, the advocacy of the liberation of women legitimated and facilitated the leading intellectuals' investment in the national and modernization project. In this paper, the researcher examines one of the neologisms invented in this period, which is the female third-person pronoun, and proposes to trace the emergence and the usages of the female third-person pronoun ta(她) and kŭ-nyŏ(그녀)in vernacular Chinese and Korean to see how the linguistic practice was intertwined with gender politics and nation-building. The researcher also argues that the translation and invention of the female third-person pronouns in East Asian societies, to a great extent, embodies the gendering process in these countries' modernization project, with which the researcher defines the process as translating "her/woman" into the historical project of nation-building.


朴重華, 〈諸名士的朝鮮女子解放觀: 先提倡教育問題〉, 《開闢》4 號(1920.09),頁 42。
金東仁,〈文壇30年의 자취〉,《新天地》(신천지)3卷24號(1948.03),頁18-26。
金基鎮,〈眼淚的巡禮〉(눈물의 巡禮),《開闢》43號(1924.01),頁224-238。
