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Begonia aurantiflora (Sect. Coelocentrum, Begoniaceae), a New Species from Limestone Areas in Guangxi, China



本文報導中國廣西壯族自治區西部石灰岩地區的秋海棠屬側膜組(Begonia sect. Coelocentrum)新種:橙花側膜秋海棠(B. aurantiflora),提供線繪圖與彩色照片以資辨識,並報導其染色體數(2n=30)。橙花側膜秋海棠與德保秋海棠(B. debaoensis)相似,但前者花被片橙色,葉上表面疏被長柔毛,成熟植株發育良好的葉表面常具有銀灰色環紋,花序梗、雌雄外花被外側與子房(果實)被柔毛,可資區別。此外,橙花側膜秋海棠的種皮細胞之垂周壁的邊界凹陷呈溝狀,與其他側膜組秋海棠明顯不同。中國產的170餘種秋海棠屬植物僅4種開橙色的花,其他3種都屬於二室組(sect. Platycentrum),分別為橙花秋海棠(Begonia crocea)、花葉秋海棠(B. cathayana)以及河口秋海棠(B. hekouensis),但後二種亦見開粉紅花的個體。


Begonia aurantiflora C.-I Peng, Yan Liu & S. M. Ku, a new species of sect. Coelocentrum from Guangxi Zhuangzu Autonomous Region, China, is described and illustrated. Its somatic chromosome number, 2n=30, is here reported. Begonia aurantiflora is similar to B. debaoensis, differing in the tepals orange; leaves adaxially sparsely long-pilose, fully developed mature leaves often with whitish or silver-white ring-shaped belt on upper surface, peduncle, outer tepals and ovaries moderately pilose or glandular hairy. Begonia aurantiflora is the only species with orange flowers in sect. Coelocentrum. It is also a very rare species with a highly restricted distribution.
